I'm sitting in a Starbucks near our house (is that a tautology?) reading my bible and catching up on email and I overhear a girl stop another girl on her way out asking, "was that a tall, extra-hot, hazelnut, sugar-free, skim latte-to-go..?"
"No," came her reply, "It should be a tall hazelnut, extra-hot, skim-free (?!),
sugar'd capp(acino)-to-go."
At which point the barrista chimmed in, "
That's a tall, hazelnut, sugar-free, extra-hot, skim lar-tay-to-go, I'm working on the tall extra-hot, hazelnut, skim-free, sugar'd cappacino-to-go, now. Did you want that with choc-on-top..?"
(To let you know my involvement, I'm just drinking a latte-to-go - I think...)
After another few volleys, the sugar-free vs sugar'd latte/capp girls were sorted and out the door while I got back to reading just as a
man's voice came over loud-and-proud, "Can I have a double-shot, Vente, hazelnut, soya, sugar-free, latte-to-go..? Not-so-hot if that's okay."
Maybe I need to try hazelnut (and buy a cardigan).