Friday, February 09, 2007

Children's Tour

I had an audition last week for a Theatre Company based in Manchester, and...I found out a couple of days ago, that I was offered the role!!

The role is to be part of a Children's Tour, based out of Manchester (yay!) aimed at children ages 6-10, and has a Christian focus. There are three plays; Noah, Daniel and the Lion's Den and an Easter Story. There are only three of us in the cast so we will double-up roles, and also get to know each other really well.

We start rehearsals on 12th March and then start touring aroung 2 1/2 weeks after that.

This is really an answer to prayer, and really exciting, I can't wait.


Stephen said...

Congrats Jo - very happy for you (sounds like heaps of fun). How do we get tickets? Although I suspect we're not in the target audience...

Jane & Cam said...

hey Jo,

that's fantastic! Congratulations! Sounds like a dream job - and one that you deserve : )

love and hugs,