Monday, February 18, 2008

Sun in Wales...(this time)

Well, after our last Wales trip, this weekend had to be better. In fact it was more than than… it was glorious!

I had Friday off work, so Matt and I went to Wales on Thursday night (well..ok, very early Friday morning…). Matt had an admin day booked so I was able to help him catch up on expenses that he has been too busy to complete over the past few months. On Saturday we woke up with the sun shining through the curtain!! ☺ We drove out to Betsy-w-Coed, to go biking. Seems like it’s the second time in all of our Mountain Biking trips in the UK where it didn’t rain, and the only other time it didn’t rain, it snowed!

The weather was beautiful - it was sunny, and there were hardly any puddles to ride through. We rode a 25km track though unfortunately 2/3 the way round, Matt was kicked off his bike going around a corner. ☹ His lefty fork needs repairing and there is a nasty chip in his frame. More importantly though, Matt is fine, God completely cushioned his fall, and he came out without a scratch. (mostly:)) Unfortunately, it meant we couldn’t go riding on Sunday; but we did catch up on more expenses for the day, which was just as extreme!

The weather was lovely, still a little nippy after sundown, but there was warmth in the sun for most of the day. It’s amazing how the weather can have a lasting affect on your mood. Such a refreshing break for us both.


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