Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Vanishing Act

How to loose a car in one phone call (some preparation needed):

1. Start with crazy-cold, wintery weather
1a. Discover constant current drain on the car battery (AA will help with diagnosis "sometime in the next 6 hours" for the first call-out, and "about another 2 hours" for the second call-out). In both cases a flat battery is required.
2. Slide in ice (and snow) while driving the car at the AA's instruction ("you'll need at least 30 minutes of driving...").

--Phone Call:
3a. Phone AA and request recovery for car and 2 passengers.
"can't log it now, best to call back tomorrow morning"
3b. Call AA back following day; request as above.

--Vanishing Act:
4. AA Recovery driver arrives, his hydraulic line blows on flat-bed lorry, requiring his own recovery call-out. Now 24 hours after initial call.
5. Wait another few hours.
6. AA change plans: Can't fix their lorry, we're to make our own way south... our car will follow.
7. Say goodbye to packed car, warm clothes, 3 bikes, fresh food. Grab necessities. Taxi to airport, sort Rental Car, drive south. Arrive 2am Monday morning, 36 hours after initial call.
(8. Call from AA about 11pm saying our car was en-route, several hours behind us)

Still working on a good method for making car re-appear...

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