Sunday, July 08, 2007

London Zoo

Today we went to the London Zoo with Tim (our host for the weekend). It was a blast! Among the highlights were the very social Meercats, the crazy African hunting dogs who seemed to be on heat for they didn’t stop running; the very wise looking monkeys because of their white long moustaches, and of course the lions and tigers, who by the time we saw then were having a sleepy afternoon, rubbing their tummies after lunch. My favourite, however, were the Gorillas. I couldn’t stop staring at the male sitting, munching away on his spring onions. Bad idea! Gorillas find it rude when people stare; they would rather we ‘glanced’ at them. This became evident by the way he walked casually to the window where I was crouching down, gave me a little glance and then WAM! completely rammed the window at the exact spot I was crouching. Needless to say, I was up standing quick smart!
There is something relaxing and satisfying about watching animals. It was a beautiful day, beautiful weather and excellent company. (the 3rd image was taken just seconds before Gorilla charged at the window)

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