Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Moüstache Mondays

You’ll be please to know that I shaved my beard – especially you Rick (though, truth be known, I think it was more a jealousy thing).
Given that it was a Monday when I shaved it, what could be more natural than to make it a Moustache Monday?? Moreover, what better way to sell bikes than to let a moustache do the talking – after all, doesn't everyone trust a moustache??
Jo didn’t seem to see the appeal, and the moustache crumpled two days into the kissing embargo. Bit of a shame – especially as there were a few guys at work who said they’d join in next time...

See here for a pictorial tour of the Many Moüstaches of Matthew.


Anonymous said...

100% behind you on the moustache thing Jo!!!!!

Love Nomes

PS- Just as well you guys started posting again...my life revolves around your blog and I don't know what would have happened if I had opened it yet again to find no blog postin' lovin' :)

Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Just gotta say...moustache all bad. Though I can just see Matt not being at all embarassed by it.